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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the steps in the process?

You fill out a detailed Questionnaire. During the Video Call, we talk through your needs and craft a priority list. I go to work researching and creating your Adventure Plan. All the details are available in your Itinerary.

What’s in the questionnaire?

The questionnaire is an essential tool in planning your best adventure. The questionnaire guides you through a self-inventory process. Your job is to tell me as honestly and thoroughly as possible what your longings and priorities are. This will set you up for your best experience. You are also prompted to inquire with your travel partners about their priorities. There are two different questionnaires: one for when you already know your destination and another one for when you want to explore different options. Here is a link to the first Questionnaire!

What happens during the video call?

The purpose of the video call is to imagine all the possibilities and to carefully look at your questionnaire input. We will exam everything, challenge it with questions, and boil it down to a carefully crafted priority list. This list will be based solely off your desires, needs, constraints, and concerns. I encourage you to think deeply about your longings, fears, and expectations. And to be honest about them. I will offer options and alternatives and guide you through a comparison and evaluation process. 

What’s in the Adventure Plan?

See a sample!

The adventure plan is built around your priority list. Everything is tailored to you. It transforms your dream into a reality. I spend 7-10 hours shifting and sorting through information and brainstorming many possibilities. You’ll receive a choice of 2-3 destinations (or general geographical areas).  The plan contains photos and information on awe-inspiring natural areas, excursions, camping site suggestions, trail recommendations, lodging, transportation advice, and other any other building blocks necessary to fit your priority list.

What’s in the Itinerary?

After receiving and reflecting over your adventure plan, you will choose a destination. (It’s possible there may be multiple close by destinations within a general geographical area). The next step is to design the timetable and agenda for that destination so that it is easily executable. The itinerary contains all the details for the chosen destination: scheduling advice, packing tips, gear pointers, guide recommendations, food planning, money saving strategies, and all other components necessary for adventure success.

How long does this process take?

After receiving your questionnaire, I will reach out within 2 business days. I may need to email you with questions to clarify your desires. After payment for a video call, I will schedule the call within 3 business days. Post video call, you will receive your adventure plan within 5 business days. If you have purchased a detailed itinerary, it would be available in 5 additional days. More time would be needed if your priority list changes.

Are you a travel agent?

No. I specialize in tailor-made experiences in nature not luxury river cruises or Hawaiian vacations. I spend a lot of time upfront helping you carefully define your priority list: your desires, needs, constraints, and concerns. You are not being fit into an existing plan or tour. The entire plan is created for your unique needs and desires. Frequently, it involves thinking out of the box, finding creative solutions to your constraints, and finding alternatives to get what you really want. All reservations for camping, lodging, excursions or flights will be made by you and remain in your control. 

Are you a guide? Will you travel with me?

No, but I have a network of guides that I use and recommend. I can also help you find a travel partner. 

What do you do?

My job is to guide you through a discovery process where I help you imagine possibilities, understand your needs & concerns and clarify your top priorities. I help give voice to the whispers of adventure within you that possibly go unacknowledged and unexpressed. Then I do all the research and planning. Everything is customized to you. I will find creative solutions to your constraints and calm your concerns. I can create steppingstone adventures or a progression of adventure plans to get you the skills, comfort, practice you need to pursue your bigger adventure. I protect you from overwhelm by filtering hours and hours of information before presenting it to you.

Must I do all steps in the process?

The questionnaire is a required tool in your adventure planning process and there is no charge for that step. The purpose of the video call is to carefully define your priority list. After the video call, you are under no obligation to pay for an adventure plan or itinerary. You will have a clear priority list but no destination choices, awe-inspiring natural areas, camping site or lodging suggestions, trail recommendations, excursion proposals, or transportation advice. This may be an option if you prefer to do all your own research and planning but still want to talk through your desires and concerns. The itinerary contains all details on sites, reservations, schedules, current closures, seasonal advice, crowding beating tips and moving saving strategies. 

What are the benefits?

Reconnect with nature and yourself in the process. Recenter and realign your body, mind and spirit. Reconnect to something that was lost within you. See something beautiful that takes your breath away. Find refuge from the stresses of modern life. My hope is that your adventure leads to even more experiences that make you come alive.

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